
Current Projects

Equitable Program Outcomes

Assessing Equitable Outcomes of Place-Based Innovation through NSF Engines

Alongside Dr. Mari Kate Mycek of New Growth Innovation Network, Dr. Sarah Crane is co-leading this NSF-Funded research. Through this work, As the federal government increases investment into place-based innovation, it is critical to understand the process by which impacts are (or are not) equitable. This research will deepen our knowledge on how to measure and account for equitable outcomes and processes in regional innovation ecosystems, such as the NSF Engines. Using community-based research methods, the research team will identify equity benchmarks by investigating the work NSF Engines are doing to prioritize equity, how their regional community conceptualizes the localized benefits, and analyzing relevant national and regional datasets. The project will culminate with an Equity Action Guide which will include effective processes, local metrics, national benchmarks, and a self-assessment tool to help NSF Engines and other similar programs advance equity in place-based innovation.

The project team will accomplish this work through a comparative case study analysis of three representative NSF engines. Our primary research goal is to identify metrics and benchmarks of a regional innovation ecosystem related to equity (Primary RQ1: What are the metrics and benchmarks of equity in regional innovation ecosystems, such as the NSF Engines? Primary RQ2: How does a community-based research approach facilitate equitable engagement into the development of metrics and benchmarks?). An additional four preliminary research questions provide the necessary data for the two primary research questions. Using community-based research methods, data collection will include participant-centered semi-structured interviews, community focus groups, federal, regional, and programmatic data, and will be analyzed using mixed methods, including a socioeconomic spatial analysis. This research will create steppingstones between theoretical frameworks of equity (e.g., intersectionality, decolonization, community wealth building) and the tangible execution of place-based innovation programs. The translation of theory to practice in real time will inform NSF Engines and other federally funded programs to ensure programs are reducing inequalities.

Program Evaluation

19th District Veterans Treatment Court: Program Evaluation Report

Dr. Jessica Camp provided in-depth program evaluation for the 19th District Veterans Treatment Court in Dearborn, Michigan in this report. Through robust statistical measurements, Dr. Camp tracked the progress of the participants and the impact of the program. Dr. Sarah Crane led the translation of the report into actionable findings for the client.

19th District Court Hybrid DWI and Drug Treatment Court: Program Evaluation Report

Dr. Jessica Camp conducted a comprehensive program evaluation for the 19th District Hybrid Drug and Domestic Treatment Court (HDDTC) in Dearborn, Michigan, as detailed in this report. Dr. Camp evaluated participant progress, providing critical insights into the program’s overall effectiveness and long-term impact on individuals. Dr. Sarah Crane worked alongside Dr. Camp to translate the findings into digestible and informative insights for the program.

Past Projects

Our collaborative team brings decades of experience in both practical projects and robust research. Below are links to publicly available projects that were either led or supported by our team of experts. Each project notes the sponsor and location of the work conducted.

Economic Opportunity

An Inclusive Entrepreneurial Support Framework: A trauma-informed care approach to supporting entrepreneurs

Dr. Sarah Crane led this project highlighting the impact of trauma on entrepreneurs while at the University of Michigan, with Co-PIs Dr. Trina Shanks and Dr. Jessica Camp. This research included a framework for a trauma-informed care response, informed by partnerships with 7 entrepreneurial support organizations. This important work was funded by E.M. Kauffman Foundation. To download see the report, click here.

Interweaving Equity in Place-based Economic Development Programs: An early analysis of equity within the Build Back Better Challenge Awardees

As lead author on this project with the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, Dr. Sarah Crane engaged with 21 placed-based economic development programs to document the integration of equity in real-time within these newly funded ventures, while at the University of Michigan. See the report here.

The Three Spheres of Equity in Workforce Development Programs: An early analysis of equity within the Good Jobs Challenge programs

While at the University of Michigan, Dr. Sarah Crane researched and developed a framework for equity in the Good Job Challenge grantees, who are funded by the U.S. Department of Economic Development Administration. See the most recent report here.

Industry-related Analysis

Understanding the Middle-Skill Workforce in the Connected and Automated Vehicle Sector

Through interviewing more than 60 auto manufacturers, Dr. Sarah Crane, alongside Steve Wilson, at the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute identified key workforce skillsets in the CAV industry and created a roadmap for future occupations. This work was funded by American Center for Mobility. To download the report, click here.

Clean Energy Technology Adoption Roadmap: An overview of the adoption of clean energy technologies within Michigan manufacturing

As lead author on this project with the State of Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Dr. Sarah Crane and Dr. Lucia Farriss engaged with over 30 Michigan manufactures. This report identifies the clean energy technology adoption (CETA) roadmap and value chain related to energy and process efficiencies, while at the University of Michigan. See the report here.

Economic Analysis

Comprehensive Economic Overview: Grundy County

A team of researchers, led by Dr. Sarah Crane at the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute, worked with economic development professionals in Grundy County, Illinois, to develop a comprehensive overview of their community, including understanding the economic impact of a local nuclear plant. The report is available here, under “Economic Analysis.”

Understanding Tourism Impacts in the Western U.P.

With a team of researchers and local leaders, Eli McClain and Dr. Sarah Crane provided economic analysis of tourism in six counties in Michigan’s Western Upper Peninsula. This report informed local decision-makers on funding priorities and strategic investments. See the report here.

National Economic Impact Study of the Camp Industry

The research team at the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute collected industry data and created the first national overview of the camp industry. Eli McClain developed a robust survey and collected data on more than 20,000 camps. Dr. Crane developed the economic impact analysis (EIA) model at the national and state levels (a total of 51). Together they created a report (view it here) and worked with the ACA team to train local state camp leaders on sharing the findings of the EIA.